Ms Debbie Hindle

2appreciate Consulting, South Hobart, TAS


Is your approach to goal setting holding you back from big achievements and inspiring greatness in your people? The SMART formula dominates goal setting approaches. But recent research indicates SMART goals can stop bold and ambitious actions. They keep you within safe boundaries, and actually encourage mediocre and poor performance. If you want to set a goal to achieve great things and inspire others, you need to step out of your comfort zone, have a goal with heartfelt purpose that enriches the lives of others, be able to picture the emotional and psychological gains from it, learn new skills and know it is absolutely necessary to help your organization. These are HARD goals. HARD goals inspire grit –the passion and perseverance to pursue our long term goals – that has been found to be an important factor for success.
You wiill learn why goal setting using the SMART formula impedes bold action and great performance. Discover why and how HARD goals –heartfelt and difficult –can inspire and enable bold leadership, grit, unlock the potential of your people, and lead to outstanding achievements.


Debbie is passionate and committed to facilitating positive change in the lives of people, organisations and the community.  She was an inaugural graduate from University of Melbourne’s Masters of Positive Psychology program. She has been privileged to work in Human and Community Services for nearly three decades, across non-government organisations, the tertiary sector, and all levels of government.  This included Senior Adviser to the Tasmanian Human Services Minister during the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.  She gives her time as a board member to non-profit organisations. She is director and Positive change facilitator with her company 2Appreciate Consulting.

About provides delegate registration, website and app solutions, and financial management for conferences, conventions and scientific meetings.