Mr Arron Broom1

1DEW, Adelaide, Australia

This presentation will focus on the Coast Protection Board’s (CPB) role in land use-planning, in the context of the SA Planning Reform currently underway. The SA Planning Reform is the most significant change to land use planning since the introduction of the Development Act 1993. The reform provides a significant opportunity for the CPB to help ensure important coastal matters are properly addressed in the new planning system under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. This includes helping shape: State Planning Policies to advance the Coastal Environment as a key State interest; Planning and Design Code policy to guide development assessment along the coast; and statutory referral mechanisms to ensure development applications are referred to the CPB where necessary. The presentation will provide a point in time assessment of the planning reform to gauge how CPB functions and interests are faring; how well coastal planning policy has been translated thus far; what this might mean from a practical on-ground perspective; and where to from here.


Arron is Principal Coast Planner with the Coastal Management Branch, Climate Change Group, within the South Australian Department for Environment and Water. Arron leads a team of planners to ensure coastal issues are properly addressed by the State’s planning system. This includes a focus on the State planning reform, the Planning Strategy, the improvement of Development Plans, providing input to the assessment of major developments, providing advice to, and exercising the delegated authority of, the Coast Protection Board in its response to coastal development applications.

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