Ms Rowan Castle1, Ms August Wilson1, Ms  Christy Dorward1

1Tasmanian Health Service South, Hobart, Australia

Evidence indicates that participation in physical, social and leisure activities leads to positive health outcomes. Gardening is an occupation which brings meaning and purpose to the lives of many people and has been utilised by Occupational Therapists as a therapeutic activity for some time. The Royal Hobart Hospital Occupational Therapy department identified that people participating in rehabilitation would benefit from a Garden at the Repatriation site to augment their rehabilitation and contribute to health outcomes. A multi-disciplinary group was established and a suitable site was identified. Following a successful funding application to the Tasmanian Community Fund the Peacock Garden opened in early 2017. This garden is now regularly utilised by people undergoing inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation to build physical, cognitive and social skills while engaging in gardening activities. It is also an inviting outdoor space for people and their families to enjoy and connect. The journey of constructing the Peacock Garden will be presented incorporating consumer and staff experiences and the evidence underpinning this project


Rowan Castle is the Occupational Therapy Team Leader for inpatient Rehabilitation services for THS South.

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