Ms Hannah Christensen1

1South West Hospital And Health Service, Roma, Australia


Background:This study evaluated the implementation of transdisciplinary child development service for a rural context delivered by rural generalists. The model included a centralised, coordinated intake and delivery of care process which was compared to the previous silo discipline approach.

Methods:This study was a comparison of outcomes on service efficiencies, economic analysis, family and staff perception of a transdisciplinary model for children 0 – 18 years presenting with questions surrounding their development. One month of clinical data for the different models of care were collected and compared including the families’ perception of whether the care delivered met their needs.

Results:The new model of care was measured against National Health Performance Framework indicators. This included; change in wait times, number of clients discharged from specialist (Paediatrician) wait list, changes in number of steps in patient journey and improved family satisfaction with care delivery.

Discussion and recommendations: A transdisciplinary model of care involving a centralised intake process will provide an efficient service which will be consistent with evidence based understanding of child development along the continuum of care.


Hannah is a Physiotherapist who has worked in various project and leadership roles within Queensland Health across both metropolitan tertiary hospitals and rural settings. She has investigated models of care in which allied health clinicians work in an expanded scope of practice role to deliver services to communities in rural settings.

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