Mary Breunig

This highly interactive three hour workshop will focus on social justice competency through theoretical and experiential engagement. Participants will delve into the theory behind the concepts of cultural and social justice competencies, expanding their personal knowledge relevant to these ideals. The theory will be complemented by experiential activities to better enhance our conceptual understandings. Together we will explore our own positionality, privileges, and biases. We will also focus on how to employ this knowledge in our classroom and leadership praxes. We will consider how to integrate social justice competency into the secondary curriculum, into activity planning, and as in-situ “teachable moments” whilst engaged in outdoor/field activities.

The workshop objectives are threefold:

  1. To further develop individuals’ understandings
  2. To further enhance our teaching praxis relevant to these topics
  3. To consider how to assess and evaluate this competency (with a particular view toward the Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards & Certification)
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