Mr Maruf Maruf1

1South China Sea Institute, Xiamen, China

The intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts that the Arctic ice will disappear by 2025 because of global warming, which carries many significant implications for world trade, energy, security, as well as geopolitics. The Arctic, regionally, has a very promising future, and its role has been fully arranged in a forum called the Arctic Council. Some Asian states also have shown their interest in Arctic Ocean. China, Japan, South Korea, India, and Singapore have been permitted as observers since 2013. Indonesia as an archipelagic country which has over thousand small islands is one of the most vulnerable from the arctic activities. Global warming, ice melting and the new shipping route through the Arctic also give an impact on the Indonesia shipping activities. This paper provides a recent discussion on the Asian interest in the Arctic region. This paper also argues that Indonesian government should put in on application to join Arctic council and share in deliberation concerning the governance of Arctic region.


PhD Candidate of The Law of the Sea at South China Sea Insitute of Xiamen University. I got my LL.M on Environmental and Natural Protection Law from Ocean University of China. My research area: Marine Environment Protection, Climate Change, Marine Pollution, International Environmental Law

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