Jiliang Chen1

1The Greenovation Hub, Beijing, China

Antarctic policy is seen as a marginal issue in  China’s government.  The ASOC campaign to promote Southern Ocean MPAs has generated increased public interest on Antarctic issues and has begun to shape the narratives on Antarctica in China.   This paper explores the role of eNGOs in generating that change.


Jiliang has expertise on the governance of the living resources in the Antarctic and high seas. Prior to the GHUB, he worked for the Institute for Environment and Development and Heinrich Böll Stiftung. He had observed the UN Climate process from 2007 to 2011. Since 2012, he has been engaging in the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources and the Antarctic Treaty Consultative meetings, and publishing papers and commentaries in various journal and newsletters. Jiliang holds a bachelor’s degree on Environmental Science from the East China Normal University and a master’s degree on Environmental Management from the Technical University of Freiberg, Germany.

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