Tonia Wilkes 1, Cameron Hodges 2

1ISP Manager, Elanora State High School, 2Principal, Elanora State High School


A quality International Student program in any school setting is the result of a clear vision, adequate resourcing, thorough planning, community support and alignment with the schools & EQI’s strategic objectives. In this interactive session – our two presenters – Cameron Hodges (Principal) and Tonia Wilkes (HOD International) will outline a process to develop a strategic plan to assist in the development of an International Student Program. Participants will be able to review an existing example and develop their own site specific template.

As part of this presentation – the accountability framework  & review process utilised to measure the effectiveness of the Strategic plan will also be unpacked.


Tonia Wilkes – a little bit about me:  I am passionate  about being involved with the International Students Program at Elanora.  The benefits of a global outlook and improved understanding of cultures through engagement with international students mean many opportunities and benefits are offered with International students program in enriching our school community. With 15 years teaching experience; 10 years industry experience and 4 years international program manager, I am currently the Head of departments for the the Business/International programs at Elanora State High School.

Cameron Hodges is the current Principal of Elanora State High School and Chair of the Gold Coast International Schools Alliance. Cameron has had the privilege of being Principal of Keebra Park State High School and Biloela State High School prior to commencing at Elanora SHS in 2012. As a previous LOTE teacher & HOD LOTE at Bribie Island State High School,  Cameron is passionate about Queensland students globally and had the amazing experience of attending school in Indonesia for a semester as part of his senior high school studies and thus can relate to those students involved in International Student Programs.

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