Rohan Brill1, Maurie Street2, Chris Minehan3, Nick Poole4, Ben O’Brien

1Brill Ag, GANMAIN, Australia

2Grain Orana Alliance

3Rural Management Strategies

4FAR Australia


Canola fungicide response trials were conducted at eight locations across southern and central NSW in 2020, from the high yield potential, intensive production environment of Wallendbeen in the south-east, to the less intensive Warren in western NSW. Seven of the trials were conducted on commercial paddocks and one was conducted on small plots. The main diseases present were sclerotinia stem rot on branches/stems; upper canopy blackleg on branches/stems (and pods to a lesser extent); alternaria black spot on branches/stems and pods; and powdery mildew on branches/stems. In general, sclerotinia and blackleg infection was greater in southern NSW, while alternaria black spot and powdery mildew infection was greater in central NSW. Fungicide application reduced disease symptoms (compared to the untreated control) at all sites but yield responses were varied. There was no yield response at three sites – Galore, Ganmain and Warren. There was a small yield response at Barmedman (0.14 t/ha) which would have only just covered the cost of application. Yield responses were stronger at Wellington (0.26 t/ha), Wallendbeen (0.31 t/ha), Kamarah (0.40 t/ha) and Temora (0.66 t/ha). The Temora and Kamarah sites had moderately high levels of upper canopy blackleg as well as minor (Kamarah) and moderate (Temora) sclerotinia infection and yield response at these sites was most likely due to a reduction in both diseases. A single spray of fungicide at the 30% bloom stage was generally the most profitable treatment where yield responses were observed.


Rohan is an agronomist and farmer with Brill Ag (since 2020) at Ganmain in southern NSW with current research, development and extension projects in canola and pulses.  Previous to this, Rohan was an agronomist with NSW DPI at Wagga Wagga, focussing on tactical canola agronomy.

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